First, what's wrong with online movies? The picture quality is bad, the sound is bad, there is little choice, you have to wait up to 10 minutes to load… etc.
Therefore, you can download the movie in a much higher resolution and with a much better picture and sound quality and watch it without any interference or interruption.
Now, we need to find a site with movies like this. These are usually sites with viruses, or movies are divided into parts, etc. One solution is Torrent.
Torrent is used to share content among users and so everyone gets what they want and at the same time share with others.
At this link, you can download a Torrent client that weighs only a few hundred kilobytes and is easy to install.
Now you need to find the movie on torrent search engines. In order not to bother to find a movie with a good picture and to take up a little, I found a user who puts a new movie every day. Also, the movies he puts on are BrRip (BluRay Rip), so the picture is of excellent quality and they take up from 700MB to 1GB. You can see the list of films at this link.
Once you download the torrent file, run it (double click on it) and the download will begin. If you have an internet connection of 1.5MB / s (150 kb / s DL), a 700MB movie will download in one and a half hours.
Alternative: Mkvcage is quite similar, although the picture and sound quality are a bit worse, sometimes they release a new movie much faster.
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