It is much cheaper and more efficient to pay hackers than to buy tanks, planes, and ships. This thought was presented to NATO diplomats and politicians by the Secretary of State of the US Department of Defense, William Lynn, at the meeting in February. He called on the allies to understand the seriousness of the new danger and added: "Every day about a hundred foreign secret services try to penetrate our systems ."
Europeans did not have to be subjected to special agitation. They already had a new 11-page NATO strategic concept ready, to be determined at the Lisbon summit in November. The document, among other things, prescribes a position on the danger from the Internet. The question of the return blow has not been fully worked out yet.
The Americans, as always, acted more operatively than the Europeans. The Wall Street Journal published a secret Pentagon document on responding to threats to US security through the fault of hackers. The concept is simple: revenge for the damage done - a military attack on the country from whose territory the cyber attack was carried out. In principle: for the eye of both eyes, for the tooth - the whole jaw. The mystery remains as the Yankees plan to discover the source of the spread of viruses, Trojans, and other computer impurities, which paralyze the network. So far no one was able to send in the perfect solution, which is not strange.
Should the Pentagon's threats be taken seriously? Opinion of the President of the Academy for Geopolitical Problems, Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov: "Today, the Americans are finishing the breakdown of the international legal system that emerged in the era of balance, the Cold War. And they are trying to cut off their hands completely. To instill fear in everyone. Bush Jr. proclaimed the same concerning terrorism. And he also stated - it is written in their military doctrine: where the potential threat to US security comes from, they will use weapons against that country. The most important thing is that they will determine for themselves whether there is a danger, who the source is, and what kind of punishment should be carried out. Today, a new motivation is needed for the unpunished, uncontrolled use of military force. And they represent hackers as a source of danger. And they will determine for themselves: it came from Syria,
However, an unequivocal statement about aggression was given. The psychological threshold of perception of a new war - supposedly inevitable, as well as natural cataclysms - is decreasing in people. And hackers here are just a blessed occasion for the United States.
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