“Qr-Code” is a matrix code (or two-dimensional Bar Code) created in 1994 by the Japanese corporation Denso-Wave. "QR" is an acronym for "Quick Response", as the creator intended to decode the content extremely quickly. QR codes are common in Japan, where two-dimensional codes are currently the most popular.
Now I will show you how to quickly and easily create your own QR code and how to decode it.
The word "encode" may have associated you with writing code, but it didn't.
When you go to the site www.qrcoder.ru you will see a large blank field where you need to copy some text or link. The link can contain anything, even pictures, clips, etc. Once you have entered what you want, below that field you can select the size of the QR code image (I recommend leaving it as it is, so 3). This is what it all looks like:
when you have finished entering the text/link in the field and selecting the size, all you need to do to create the code is to click on the button below the field (ctrl + enter).
An image of your Code now appears on the right:
Ok, you have a picture of the code, how to decode it?
The best way is over the phone. For this, you will need a java application (.jar) which you can download from this link. Once downloaded, switch to your phone and install. When you start the application, a camera will appear, take a picture of the Code, and wait. When finished, the link/text you entered in the field at the beginning of the tutorial will appear. Everything is completely free and you can create endless QR codes.
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