Learning to code is something that every person turned to technology should try at least once. The wealth of online courses, where most are free or cheap, makes learning coding easier than ever.
If you've been thinking about learning C ++, Ruby on Rails, Python, or Java, these online options will be a good way to try your hand at programming before investing your time and money in formal education and certification. Even if you're a veteran of this sphere and you need to learn a new programming language, these sites can help you.
The lack of learning coding through an online platform is the lack of face-to-face interaction with the instructor. But don't be discouraged - Google, Stack Overflow, and other online forums are good sources of solutions when you're stuck, whether you don't know how to complete the code or can't find the error in the code.
- UC Berkeley webcast
- Mozilla School of Webcraft
- Google Code University
- MIT OpenCourseWare
- Codeschool’s Rails for Zombies
- W3Schools
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