A botnet is a network of computers that are infected with a virus that hackers can control from a remote location for the purpose of attacks and similar activities.
So, if a virus like this is "inserted" into your computer, you will not know it, but your computer becomes part of hacker attacks from that moment on.
The latest such botnet, called TDL-4, is the most dangerous of all and almost indestructible!
TDL-4 is a type of Trojan that can infect a computer at the level of MBR (Master Boot Record), which makes it more resistant than most malware.
In translation, if this Trojan gets to your computer, you will not even notice it because AntiVirus will not detect it.
More such infected computers are botnets, and TDL-4 today has about four and a half million computers, whose owners have no idea that their computers are under someone else's control.
Namely, unlike ancient, ordinary, viruses that deleted data from your disk, TDL-4 can do much more sophisticated actions on your computer: for example: install other forms of viruses, and botnet owners can then give such computers to some a form of sublease to other criminals, who can use them to install advertisements or to hack a DDoS attack on a server.
Basically, your computer is a "puppet" that BotNet owners use when they need it for an attack.
TDL-4 is so sophisticated that it will even remove other malicious programs that are a threat to it from an infected computer, especially if there is a danger that an antivirus program will detect them.
Computers infected with the TDL-4 Trojan communicate with control centers (computers that give them orders, and which are in the hands of criminals) encrypted communication, but through a public P2P (peer-to-peer) network, which makes it almost impossible to completely destroy this botnet !!
The average user does not have much left but to watch what he does on the Internet and uses several antiviruses and antispyware programs he regularly scans his computer and hopes for the best.
In the video below, experts from Microsoft and other organizations explain how the botnet works and how Microsoft and Pfizer brought down the "Rustock" botnet, a notorious source of spam, fraud, and cybercrime.
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