Google - the most famous web browser recognizable by its logo, search bar but also many other tools such as Adsense, Analytics, Adwords, Google Plus, Gmail, Maps .. and many others.
But now we will deal with the search bar, which hides much more than just a search.
Interestingly, Google was founded in 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and the original name of the site was not Google but "BackRub" because the system checked backlinks to calculate the value of the site.
Now, what is Google searching for:
1) Certain phrases:
Instead of typing Internet marketing, you can enter quotation marks at the beginning and end of the search words and thus search more precisely for those terms.
Example: "Internet marketing".
2) Certain keywords:
You can enter the desired search keywords but also delete the unwanted ones.
For example internet marketing -advertising
3) Search within a site:
If you want to find some content but only on a particular site, then type the following:
"Internet marketing"
Of course, you can change these words between quotes, ie. . enter the words you want to search for, and enter the site address you want.
4) Similar words and synonyms:
For example, you want to include a word in the search, and you also want to include results that contain similar words or synonyms, then enter this sign "~"
Example: "internet marketing" ~ professional
5) Certain documents:
If you are looking for a document, e.g. PowerPoint, you can type in the search words you want and then the document file extension.
Example: "internet marketing" filetype: ppt
6) And or:
Simply, type a word and then add OR and another word. Now Google will search for the first word or the second.
Example: internet marketing OR advertising
7) Specific time:
For example, search for a term from 1940 to 1950, in addition to the search words entered, enter two years and two consecutive points between them.
Example: president 1940..1950
8) Calculator:
Yes, Google can count. If you want to multiply, enter the number, asterisk, number, and enter. To divide is a slash, addition plus, and subtraction minus.
Example: 48512 * 1.02
9) Definitions:
You can quickly find a definition for a certain term:
example: define: wiki
10) Converter:
Quickly convert meters to kilometers, seconds to hours, kilograms to grams… etc. Just enter the first size, then the word in, and the second size.
Example: meters in miles
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