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Showing posts from 2011

Here's what a VPN can't protect you from (but you need to use it)

The abbreviation " VPN " has slowly become established among average Internet users, which is certainly good, but the problem is that people have started to see VPN as the ultimate solution to all problems.


e- Etiquette is a handbook for good behavior on social networks. E-etiquette was designed and launched by  Croatian Telecom, while the rules on HT's Facebook page were proposed by social network users themselves.

Download Facebook Messenger for Windows

Facebook Messenger allows users to chat with friends without logging into the Facebook site itself. So, you don't have to log in to Chrome, Firefox, Opera… to log in to Facebook to correspond, just launch the Facebook Messenger app, log in ( if you're already logged in to Browser, you won't have to type email and password ) and you can start with correspondence.

Five wishes from Google

Google is under investigation for allegedly abusing its strong position as a leader in the field of Internet search, and competing companies are suing Google and their partners, as this giant company is increasingly expanding into markets where it is already competitive.


The starter is one of the indispensable tools for every advanced computer user. With it, you will be able to list all the programs that start automatically when you start the operating system . You'll see everything in the hidden Windows Registry settings, start-up folders, and initialization settings files.

Google search as Wallpaper

To make it nice: turn on your computer and a Google search box will greet you in the background. Possible? Of course! First, you need to download one gadget and then install it. You can download it from this link  is for 32bit and 64bit systems. Note : For Windows 7 users only!

Smiley Troll List for Facebook Chat

In the  previous post , I wrote instructions on how to set a profile picture to chat. Instead of profiles and pages, you can put some smileys, in this case, Troll smileys. Smiley installation instructions.

How to insert profile picture on Facebook Chat

Another news on Facebook that has arrived these days - is the profile of the picture on the chat . Namely, to send a profile picture to your friend's chat, you need to know the ID of the profile whose picture you are sending if that person does not have a defined username.

Warning Forever

Warning Forever - Not the most original name ever devised, but the course of the game and its concept more than compensate for the lack of originality of the name itself. At first glance, the game seems like another in a myriad of so-called " Space shooters ", which it is. But the game hides something that sets it apart from the competition.

Firefox 9 - Read more

Firefox 9 continues its pace of rapidly releasing new versions that feature enhancements and performance improvements. The JavaScript enhancement labeled Type Inference , which Mozilla spent more than a year developing, made its PC debut with Firefox. The abbreviated version is that Web sites that rely heavily on JavaScript-based Web applications or sites that render games, videos, or 3D graphics will record significantly faster renderings.  What has actually changed is a feature within the Firefox SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine?

YouTube snowed too!

After it snowed on Google , it was Youtube 's turn to snow.

Firefox 9 - Final Version

Mozilla has set up the final version of Firefox 9 for Windows, Mac, and Linux, after five weeks of beta testing.

Magician and iPad

When the magician takes the iPad in his hands. Watch this amazing video where a German magician "plays" with an iPad.

Youtube video controller – Chrome addon

This simple, yet useful, Chrome add-on will make it easier for you to use Youtube while listening to music while doing something else. Video Controller allows you to control the sound over the Youtube clip even if you are not on the tab where Youtube is located.

It's snowing on Google too! :)

Most sites have snowed, including Google. If it hasn't snowed yet, Google won't bring you snow, but it can give you a nice experience while sitting at your computer.

How to hack Windows Pinball?

We’ve all played the popular Windows game Pinball at least once. If someone still isn't, at least he knows what he looks like. I also believe that most people know how to play, but few people know what this game is hiding!

How to use Proxy?

In short, what is a proxy : The proxy provides you with Anonymity by the fact that the client does not communicate directly with the servers on the Internet, it is achieved that the remote server does not know who really accesses it. Invisible proxy servers are those for which the client does not need to configure the computer or is often not even aware of their existence. Their work is based on intercepting client traffic and they are common in larger companies.

Facebook Timeline available for everyone!

And the day has come when Facebook will change the look of all users' profiles in Timeline. When the news and the first pictures of this new look appeared, most users were dissatisfied. It was possible to activate Timeline via the Developer page just for trial. Now, whether you like it or not, you have to adapt to the new look.

Create your own data encryption program

Create a data encryption program in Notepad in 3 minutes! How? All you need is Notepad++ (maybe a regular Notepad). If you are ready to get started!

Facebook Places trick

Have fun with your friends on Facebook, and post statuses from another city/country.

Make a calculator in notepad

Make a calculator in notepad? It is possible! To do this, we will use so-called batch commands. These are the commands that are knocked on that "black window", ie CMD.

How to restore initial settings on Torrent

If you have changed the settings on uTorrent and you do not know how to restore them, this is a tutorial that will help you with that.

Movies in 5 seconds

A movie in 5 seconds ?! Oh yes, possible. A handful of popular movies and they all last 5 seconds. In those 5 seconds, the part of the film stops that we know as soon as we see which film it is. Here is a list of several movies: Titanic

Activate HTML5 for all clips on Youtube

How to watch videos on Youtube without Flash Player? The answer is simple - HTML5 . HTML5 is increasingly present on the website and is slowly taking the lead. So Youtube recently made it possible to watch videos via HTML5, so you won't need a flash player . Now, you won't come across HTML5 video on every clip, you have to activate it.

Gmail Notifier Pro

If you have an email account, or accounts that you need to check daily, this program will make your job easier. Namely, if you have one or more email accounts that you need to check often , you can use the Gmail Notifier Pro program,  which will "monitor" your received mailbox constantly, and as soon as you receive mail, it will notify you.

Hidden smilies for Google+ chat

The new social network Google+ has decided to surprise us, for the umpteenth time. This time on the "menu" are smilies for a chat. 14 new smileys have been added, which you can't see on the chat itself because they are hidden. Therefore, in this post, I will list all the new smileys and how to make them.

Face recognition for Google+

Google has added face recognition technology to its Google+ service, allowing users to tag photos very quickly without having to manually enter each photo.

Change the background of the Facebook login page

Do you like this Facebook login page? Here's how to set one up:

How to activate a new Youtube look?

Do you like the new Youtube look? Here's how to activate it:

Make an easy professional banner

To attract visitors to some sites to visit yours, you need advertising . Ads on well-visited sites are paid, but you can find sites that offer banner exchanges .

Control your computer by voice

If you are tired of using the keyboard and mouse, let the microphone take over. Yes, you can use a microphone to control your computer. All you have to do is say one of the previously defined voice commands, and your computer will do what you told it to do.

What awaits us in the (near) future?

As technology advances day by day, it is almost impossible to say for some idea that it is achievable only in the future. Every day, that "future" in which everything is possible, is getting closer to us. Thus, 60 years ago, some ideas could be realized after several decades, today that period is much smaller.

300+ Serbian radio stations

All Serbian radio stations. Note : Use search (ctrl + f) to find a station more easily. Click the wheel (or ctrl + left click) to open the link in a new tab.

Firefox 9 beta is coming

Shortly after completing Firefox 8 , Mozilla released Firefox 9 as part of their beta channel, for both desktop and Android.

How to take a picture of an entire website

You need to take a picture of the whole website but you don't know-how. You try to paint part by part, but it takes too much time. Here are a few solutions on how to do it in just a few seconds.

ArmageTron Advanced

Once upon a time, there was a movie called " Tron ", and an arcade-style game inspired by it. That 1982, as well as the mentioned film and game, have been largely forgotten, by almost everyone. The authors of the game ArmageTron Advanced , obviously do not belong to this group.

Facebook and Twitter in collaboration

As of today, you can link your Twitter account to your Facebook pages in just a few steps. Namely, if you go to one of your FB pages at the very top, you will be notified that it is possible to connect your page to a Twitter account. At the end of that text will be a link that takes you to a page where you can connect to Twitter.

10 new Google tricks

Check out 12 new Google tricks that have entertained us these days.

Bitdefender - protect your FB account

We are aware of the risk we are exposed to when our computer is infected with a virus. As social networks have become commonplace in our lives, so have they become a major target of viruses. Every computer should have an anti-virus installed to protect it, but what if a virus appears on a social network (in our case Facebook)?

Google+ introduced Pages

Google+ does not stop surprising us, it is getting better and better every day, and it is becoming a real competition to Facebook. So he pleasantly surprised us yesterday when he introduced G+ Brand Pages . Why is this actually so important? Internet marketing is growing day by day and it is almost impossible to find a company that does not advertise online. The main targets of successful advertising companies are social networks , such as Facebook or Google+, because these are places where people come every day and spend their time sharing knowledge, experiences, and often for fun.

Jing - record and capture screenshots

TechSmith , the author of the popular Camtasia Studio, offers a free solution under a somewhat unusual name - Jing . To get started, you need to create a free user account , for which you will only need a valid e-mail address. Provided that you need additional functionality provided by the Pro version of the application, there is the possibility of paying an annual subscription, although the free version also provides a sufficient set of options.

World of Tanks

World of Tanks is a 3D team multiplayer online game featuring historic combat vehicles from the 1930s to the 1950s. World of Tanks includes more than 90 armored vehicles from China, the Soviet Union, Germany, and the United States. In addition, the information was confirmed that vehicles from the territory of Japan, France, and England are also being developed. The vehicles are carefully and in detail made, almost with historical precision. Altogether, there will be around 500 vehicles that will be available as part of the game.

Image of 1.74 giga pixels

In the picture of Barack Obama 's inauguration on January 20, 2009. you can clearly identify each person individually in that mass of people. Click 2x anywhere on the image. Use the zoom on the left to zoom in on the selected person and wait a few seconds for the image to focus. That image was taken by a 174-megapixel robot camera. That's 295 x the average 5-megapixel camera.

Find a stolen or lost camera

One interesting site that will make sure you find a lost or stolen camera . What is it really about? If you have photos from a camera that was stolen or lost, this site will help you search the Internet and check if someone has used your camera and uploaded images to the Internet.

Post status via Android (FB trick)

One little trick to joke with your friends on Facebook. Post status via Android , BlackBerry , Calculator…

SSL encryption for Google search

Google plans to introduce default encryption using SSL in search of users who signs in through their accounts in the next few weeks , the company said in a statement.

Touch screen on the palm

Researchers have been working for several years to expand the areas that can be used for multitouch panels, and the OmniTouch project, which is being implemented at Carnegie Mellon University , could put this idea into practice. OmniTouch turns body parts and surrounding areas into a touch-sensitive interface .

Earn 200 dinars. credit in 5 minutes!

NOTICE: The offer has been completed. One great service that guarantees that your effort will pay off, and you only need to answer a few questions. Yes, that's right, only 5 minutes is enough to set aside one poll to earn 100 points and as many more to send requests to your friend. I have already written one article that enabled free SMS messages , but it is from computer to mobile. Here you get 200 dinars (minimum) credit and you can spend on what you want!

You drop the camera and you get a panorama

Five researchers from the Technical University of Berlin came up with the idea to make an unusual panoramic camera in the shape of a ball that takes 360-degree images when thrown up. Their conceptual device, the Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera , is as big as a soccer ball and has 36 sensors that give one panoramic shot at a time.

What sites have looked like over time

You are probably interested in what Youtube, Google, Yahoo, and Facebook looked like… From its founding until today. No, you won't see a bunch of slow-loading images and you can't see the whole site. What I am writing about now is an Internet archive that contains over 390 billion web pages that have been recorded since 1996 ! The best thing about this archive is that you can see the entire site in its entirety with all the links, images, clips ... complete content .

"Floating" icons in the blogger

How to add static icons on the right side of the screen in the blogger? 1. Open Edit Template (HTML) 2. Save the existing one. 3. Find (ctrl + f) the following word: </body> 4. Copy THIS code above that line.

Change the background in Blogger by clicking on the link

So, with the help of Jquery, we can create a very simple widget for blog visitors with which they can change the background. In the picture on the left, I took ordinary links as an example and only 3 colors, you can insert thumbnails and as many colors as you want. But you will need a little coding for that.

Windows Blinds 7.3

Windows Blinds is a tool that allows you to completely change the look and feel of Microsoft Windows . This tool works by applying new visual styles called skins across the complete operating system interface. As a result, you get complete control over how Windows looks.

What happened on my birthday?

Wondering what happened in the world of the year you were born? Are you interested in which of the most important personalities was born in the same year as you? Who won the Oscar? Which film was made, who won in a sport…? Then the site I will present to you now is the right place for you.

How to link a YouTube video to start at a specific time

Have you come across a long video on Youtube and wanted to send it to a friend but to start from a certain time? No problem. There are 2 ways :