The abbreviation " VPN " has slowly become established among average Internet users, which is certainly good, but the problem is that people have started to see VPN as the ultimate solution to all problems.
Make a calculator in notepad? It is possible!
To do this, we will use so-called batch commands. These are the commands that are knocked on that "black window", ie CMD.
First, open Notepad and paste this Code:
@ECHO OFF color 0a title Calc ECHO ECHO ----------------------------------------------------- ECHO * = Multiplication ECHO + = Addition ECHO - = Subtraction ECHO / = Division :loop echo. echo ----------------------------------------------------- ECHO [Input expression and hit Enter] SET /p UDefine= SET /a UDefine=%UDefine% ECHO = ECHO %UDefine% ECHO. goto loop
Save it in .bat format and that's it. Like this: Save as > calculator.bat
This calculator does NOT count decimal numbers. That's why I made one, a much more complex that calculates decimals. It has been updated to version 2.2 and a lot of options have been added.
You can download it from THIS link.
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