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Here's what a VPN can't protect you from (but you need to use it)

The abbreviation " VPN " has slowly become established among average Internet users, which is certainly good, but the problem is that people have started to see VPN as the ultimate solution to all problems.

What to do if you lose your smartphone?

What to do if you lose your smartphone?

Many phones are lost every day - and found, not always by the owner.

If you are a user of one of the "Smartphones", you must keep at least 2-3 passwords in your phone, whether from some social services or maybe bank accounts.

What happens when you lose your phone with all the data?

Symantec, a security software maker, conducted a test to find an answer to this question. They deliberately "lost"  50 Android phones in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, New York, and Ottawa. The phones were loaded with identical apps, data, and files - and none were password-locked.

Symantec has found that in most cases - over 95% - people who find a phone try to access personal and sensitive data or services such as e-banking or e-mail.

What to do if you lose your smartphone?

  • First of all, set the password on your phone. Every smartphone has the option of unlocking the screen using a code, PIN code, shape, and more recently face recognition. Keep your phone locked even when you are at home, because at least once you will go outside and forget to lock your phone.
  • Avoid saving passwords for your applications. This will probably force you to use the same password on several services - which is a significant security risk not only in this case but in general.
  • If you have not done any of the above, and still lost your phone, it is a good idea to quickly find a computer and log in to your e-mail, online banking, and other services that you access from your phone and change passwords
  • If you cannot find the phone, inform the operator that it has been lost to switch off your service until you get another device.

Some police departments in the United States warn that smartphone thefts are on the rise. Robbers often try to sell phones for money, but those who buy them can try to access your data and services.


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