YIFY is in the world if not the most popular site with Torrent movies are of excellent quality. They release the latest, and older, movies in HD that weigh more than 700MB for 720p, or about 1.5GB for the 1080p version. The question is: how do they get the latest movies in HD?
The answer is simple: "Scene".
The Warez Scene, or "Scene", is an underground community where members share digital content that has not yet reached the public. Eg some people work in printing warehouses where movie discs (and other digital content) are packed in boxes where the cover should be printed. There is always scrap that needs to be thrown away or recycled. The discs are correct but the box and/or cover are not, so the whole package is thrown away. These people steal a couple of discs and upload a pure Blu-Ray movie (BD25 / BD50) to Scene.
YIFY takes intact quality movies from Scene and reduces the file size with some tools at the expense of sound and picture quality. YIFY has good tools for that and that is why the quality of the 700 MB movie is still quite solid despite such a small file size, unlike others that rip to the same size and destroy the quality completely. (Although there are a couple more now, they are not so up-to-date. If you know about some, write in the comments).
Because of these tools, file size, image quality, and movie release speed, YIFY has become recognizable online when it comes to Torrent movies.
Popcorn time is a popular program for watching Torrent movies without downloading them. YIFY movies are the most popular there, so I recommend you take a look at that program as well - https://do-you-know-tech.blogspot.com/2014/10/popcorn-time.html
Source: Reddit
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