Recently, Facebook has been flooded with "click bait" posts, and sometimes you don't know if there is something really useful behind that post or if it's just collecting clicks. There is a plugin that can partially reveal this to you.
Nothing special, it's a Chrome extension called "Photo Zoom". What does he actually do? Enlarges the image you hover over by loading the source address of the image. How can it help? Clickbait posts often "trick" users into clicking with an image (in addition to terrible headlines). They place those pictures so that only a part of them is visible on the Facebook wall and just enough to interest your potential. If you want to see the whole thing, you have to click on the link, which is their goal.
Well, if you have this plugin you can view that image in full size without loading the page. And so you can decide whether to click on the post or not. For example. if the post says "You won't believe what this girl did" and then there is a half-sized picture of a girl in some situation, you hover over and see that picture and you don't have to open the link.
However, today those portals, which publish clickbait posts, have come up with a way to get around that, so they don't post the whole image as the original, but a half-cut one. I saw this mostly on foreign portals, rarely on ours. Either they don't know, or they didn't remember. I don't believe he hates them because they would do anything for a click.
If you can't even use this plugin to pull the full-size image and decide whether to click or not, then give up, there's a good chance there's nothing useful behind that link. And you can use keywords from the post and parts of the image to find the same thing on Google.
ClickBait posts are easy to spot and Facebook has introduced an option to report them. The algorithm behind that option learns over time and will start to recognize such posts on its own to remove them. More details about it at THIS link.
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