It was only a matter of time before Pinterest, the ever-faster-growing network, arrived on mobile platforms. But the wait has come to an end because the application "Pinterest" has appeared for Android and iOS devices!
First of all, let me mention, and perhaps most importantly, that the application for both systems is completely free! Pinterest has recently made free registration available worldwide without invitations. So, when you start the application, you have the option to register or log in.
The appearance itself is very simple and you will get used to it in a few seconds. It is divided into 3 parts:
- The first is the categories,
- In the second are the pins you follow,
- And in the third is your profile.
There are 3 main parts, but of course, you can choose a category, so a part with only pins from that category will appear. If you go to your profile, at the very top you will see, just like on the web, your picture, name, followers and following, and notifications below.
They did a really good job on the app and its appearance and functionality, at least for Android, and I believe for iOS as well.
You can download the application for free for Android or iOS devices.
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