After unsuccessful attempts to introduce the SOPA, PIPA, and ACTA laws, the US Congress is already considering CISPA, which seems to be worse than all three listed together!
After the collapse of SOPA and PIPA, which failed ingloriously due to the mass revolt of Internet users, a new bill is now in Congress, HR 3523, better known as CISPA, which is worse and more dangerous than its predecessor, RT reports.
CISPA has already received the support of 100 congressmen and will soon be on Obama's table, which could put an end to the 'i' in the whole story and mark the end of the era of free internet.
Kendall Burman of the Center for Democracy and Technology points out that CISPA allows the suspension of laws and restrictions in the field of civil and criminal law. Burman warns that CISPA could be put to a vote in Congress next month.
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