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Showing posts from April, 2012

Here's what a VPN can't protect you from (but you need to use it)

The abbreviation " VPN " has slowly become established among average Internet users, which is certainly good, but the problem is that people have started to see VPN as the ultimate solution to all problems.

Google introduces another occupation - "zerg rush"

Google launched another hobby for users of their search engine on Friday. This is just another in a series of hobbies by the Google team. I have already written an article where I have compiled a list of some of Google's most famous tricks with their search engine.

Mobile Browsers

The Internet on mobile devices is becoming more popular and has more and more users. As mobile internet expands, so do mobile browsers. Although the devices themselves already have built-in basic internet browsers, new browsers are constantly appearing. The reason is that each of the programs brings something new and useful. For example, Opera Mini is most popular on older phone models that use Java applications, while on Android platforms Chrome , Firefox ,  Dolphin , and xScope are more represented.

How to insert a logo in a QR code

Short video tutorial on how to insert the logo of your company, site, or forum in QR Code quickly and easily. For this, we will need a site where we will generate a QR code and a Photoshop program with which we will insert the desired logo into the Code. I recommend because we can choose " Error correction " which means we can make "errors" on the Code. In our case, it will be the Logo that we will insert in the middle of the Code.

Google Drive

Google offers 5GB of free cloud space with Google Drive. There have been a lot of talks lately about Google launching its Cloud service for all users - for free. The domain reserved for this project is operational as of today and we can already find some information on it.

Thousands of users are left without the Internet this summer?!

The FBI warns that thousands of users could be left without internet access this summer . Many of them are unaware that their problem began when international hacker groups posted a fake ad that on July 9 is supposed to take control of infected computers around the world .

Share your internet connection from your computer to Android via USB

Do you have an Android phone and no WiFi nearby ? Here's a great solution to share the internet you use on your computer with your Android phone via USB . This is the  Reverse Tethering method, which means that you will not share the Internet from phone to computer (Tethering) but vice versa, from computer to phone (Reverse Tethering). You don't need a Wireless Card in your computer, or anything else, just a USB cable.

Total War Shogun 2: The Fall of the Samurai

Fall of the Samurai is the first solo expansion for Total War: Shogun 2  was set in Japan during the Boshin War in the 1960s. It is a civil war that began as an ideological struggle due to the pro-Western policy of the shogunate. Clans that were against this policy fought against the shogunate and to restore power to the emperor, while during the war both sides used weapons that were no longer classic for Japan in the last century, but also used rifles and armor. The result is a unique environment: samurai who use forged swords, but also rifles and everything that that time brought.

Google allows us to walk through the White House

Want to visit the White House ? From now on, you can do it while sitting at your computer, because Google never ceases to surprise us with its innovations. Almost all Internet users already know about Google Maps and Google Earth , and from now on they are joined by a virtual White House that you can see while walking through it.

How to remove Timeline?

If you don't like Timeline, you can remove it in a few steps! Since Timeline appeared , many users have not liked it ( I personally did ) so they have been looking for various solutions on how to restore the old look of the profile . So these were mostly solutions in the form of various scripts (some were even fake to get you to download the virus), or add-ons for Browsers that did not completely remove Timeline.

Redesigned Google+

Google has announced that it will make major changes to the look of its new Google+ service in a few days, but a new look has already appeared for me. One of the major changes in the toolbar that was at the top, and has now been moved from the left while the chat has been moved to the right side of the screen.

Make sure your username is available on over 150 sites

A site that will help you quickly and easily check if your username is available on over 150 sites . When you open the site , you will be greeted by a list of the most popular sites and one field where you enter the desired username. Below that field there is a link with the inscription " Show all (159) " and by clicking on it, the list of sites will be supplemented.

How to transfer all content from WordPress to Blogger

If you’ve been thinking of switching from WordPress to Blogger for some reason, and you have plenty of posts to switch to, here’s one simple tutorial.

Gmail – Block lists

How do I add an email to a block list in Gmail? Easy, with the help of the Filter option. If you receive annoying emails, advertisements, offers, etc. you can add that email to the block list and your messages will no longer arrive. We will use the Filter option in Gmail , where we will set options for an email to mark all messages as read and then automatically move them to the trash (messages from the trash are automatically deleted after 30 days).

CISPA is coming, an even worse law than SOPA, PIPA and ACTA

After unsuccessful attempts to introduce the SOPA , PIPA , and ACTA laws, the US Congress is already considering CISPA , which seems to be worse than all three listed together! After the collapse of SOPA and PIPA, which failed ingloriously due to the mass revolt of Internet users, a new bill is now in Congress, HR 3523 , better known as CISPA , which is worse and more dangerous than its predecessor, RT reports.

MySites – Chrome Addon

MySites - Chrome add-on is one of the so-called Speed ​​Dial accessories, which means they will enrich your "new blank card". When you open a new card, you will be greeted by a completely new look in Win8 Metro style where you can see a list of the most visited and recorded sites, as well as installed add-ons.

An interesting trick for Google Chrome

One little trick for Google Chrome that you can use to edit any webpage. It is a script that you may already know, but now it does not work when you enter it directly in the address bar, but you have to do it in another way, more precisely through the bookmark option.

The difference between Sleep, Hibernate and Hybrid sleep options

What is the difference between regular Sleep mode and Hybrid sleep mode? And what is Hibernate ? I will try to explain in the simplest way possible so that everyone understands nicely. 1. Sleep When you select Sleep mode , all components of the computer except RAM are shut down to store data. So, if you do something on the computer and press Sleep, the computer shuts down and everything you did (left open windows, documents, etc.) is stored in RAM.

Internet in the car

Here's what it's about. Two days ago I was surfing the net and I came across the site they produce a device in other words a router and all the other equipment with which you can use the internet in the car .