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Showing posts from March, 2012

Here's what a VPN can't protect you from (but you need to use it)

The abbreviation " VPN " has slowly become established among average Internet users, which is certainly good, but the problem is that people have started to see VPN as the ultimate solution to all problems.

Google chart now in 3D

A few months ago, Google integrated charting into its search engine to help students and math enthusiasts with their homework. This was quite useful and interesting for everyone, so various charts were created, such as Batman's characteristic logo and the like. Now it is possible to make more complex charts in 3 dimensions (3D)!

A couple of tricks for Windows XP games

We've all played some of those little games on Windows XP at least once. If you want to have fun with them, here are some tricks. You will not need any programs to "hack" these games, everything is done with keyboard shortcuts. I'll show you how to "hack" Pinball, FreeCell, Solitaire, and Minesweeper.

Home tool for measuring the speed of the Internet connection

You must have used services like or to check the speed of your internet connection, now you have a domestic alternative - With this tool you can check the speed of your internet connection on your PC, laptop, Android, or iPhone… anywhere and anytime!

Clear facebook share cache

You want to share a link to a website on Facebook, but the data that has changed in the meantime has been uploaded. How to set up a link with new data? This will be taken care of by a Facebook tool called Debugger   (or Linter ). With this tool, you can see what the URL will look like on Facebook, what content, and what image.

Download Photoshop CS6 Beta for free!

Adobe has made it possible to download a free beta version of its image editing software - Photoshop , which is marked CS6 and can be downloaded from the official website. Adobe is not in the habit of releasing free beta versions, but this time an exception was made. Photoshop CS6 Beta , about 1.4GB in size, can be downloaded completely free of charge from the official Adobe website at this link .

What to do if you lose your smartphone?

Many phones are lost every day - and found, not always by the owner. If you are a user of one of the "Smartphones", you must keep at least 2-3 passwords in your phone, whether from some social services or maybe bank accounts.

Chrome surpassed IE by one day

Google's Chrome became the most popular web browser for one day, when on Sunday, March 18 (March 18, 2012), it moved Internet Explorer to second place for the first time in history. According to Stat Counter , which analyzes the share of search engines worldwide, Chrome was the most used search engine globally on March 18, surpassing Internet Explorer by a short time.

Facebook has introduced a "Full-screen" option for images

Facebook recently announced a new way of viewing images , and now it has been improved so you can view images on full screen . We all remember what the pictures looked like after we posted them on Facebook, first of all, the image quality is reduced , and in addition, the dimensions are reduced . This problem was somewhat solved when Facebook posted a new look for viewing photos with a black background, then with white, then with black again and finally, a black background remained only the comments were moved to the right to make room for the image used more.

How do I save Google Analytics statistics to PDF?

If you want to send someone Google Analytics results from your site, you can do so in a few steps. You can "package" Analytics results in .pdf , .csv or .tsv format and send to someone. You can do this in a few steps and it's all done on the Google Analytics site itself.

There is Angry Birds Space!

After several months, Rovio launched a new game " Angry Birds Space " for all platforms. The game is available for iPhones priced at £ 0.69 , or £ 1.99 for a separate HD version for the iPad . For users of Android devices , the game will still remain free , but there will be a lot of ads in the game.

Twitter is celebrating its sixth birthday

Exactly six years ago, one of the founders of Twitter posted his first tweet - " just setting up my twttr ". Although the popularity of this service was modest in the first few years, today Twitter has over 500 million users who send tweets, and messages 140 characters long.

Breakthrough – 60TB HDD!

Seagate broke the record for storing data in a small space on Hrad Disks with a new method where they managed to compress 1TB of data on an area of ​​ 1 inch ! Which is almost twice as much as the previous record.

Facebook shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts make it much easier for us to use computers and Internet services. In case you didn't know, there are shortcuts for Facebook as well. By combining the alt + some number keys , you can open an option, for example, the shortcut " alt + 1 " will take you to the home page .

New profile page design on Pinterest

If you use Pinterest , you have probably noticed a new design on the profile pages of this service. The layout of the elements has been significantly changed, so the image, information, and description of the profile have been moved to the very top, and below are the Virtual Boards, ie " Boards ".

What is Phishing and how to protect yourself?

What is Phishing? This is the most common, and the easiest, form of identity theft on the Internet through a fake website . So, the attacker created a fake page that is identical to the real one and tricks you into logging in with your data. You believe in it, enter your data, click on "Login" and - PAF! You have just sent your data to a remote server from which the hacker can read it.

Android ICS 4.0.3 on Galaxy S2 – Review

Jelly Bean za Galaxy S2 A few days ago, the latest version of the Android operating system was officially released - Ice Cream Sandwich for Galaxy S2! We waited a long time for the official version of ICS to come out and we waited.

Viber - Free messages and calls

The application for Android and iPhone devices - Viber , offers free messages and calls to all its users! SMS messages are slowly being forgotten. Since the advent of smartphones, communication has increasingly been reduced to free services such as Skype, iMessage, WhatsApp, Facebook Messages, and others.

Chrome crashed in Pwn2Own

Google's Chrome browser crashed during the Pwn2Own competition. Yesterday, the first of three days of the competition was held. Although Pwn2Own has been untouchable in the past two years , the French team, Vupen, was the first to show the existence of two weak points within this browser when it runs on the Windows 7 operating system.

Anonymous internet surf!

In this post, I will show you how to surf the internet completely anonymously! When it comes to downloading music, movies, computer programs, etc. Whenever you download something from the Internet "for free", you leave your mark , and that is the IP address through which you can be easily located and put in an awkward situation in front of the "civil service".

Update for Facebook chat

Facebook has improved its chat a bit, so it is now possible to keep multiple chat windows open at the same time! You may have noticed two or more chat windows open lately and thought it was a mistake, but it's not. Facebook has inserted this feature which I really like.

Anonymous intensified the fight

Hackers claiming to be part of the Anonymous hacker group crashed the Panda Security PandaLabs website in response to the arrest of five hackers in the UK and US.

Characteristic dimensions on Facebook [Update]

What are the maximum dimensions of a profile picture on Facebook? What are the dimensions of the Cover Image? What is the size of the video clip? Most letters on status? You can find all these answers in the picture below. [Update 12.01.13.]

Facebook was unavailable due to technical problems

Facebook users across Europe could not access their accounts on the world's largest social network this morning. Some immediately thought that members of the group " Anonymous " brought down Facebook because of yesterday's  arrest of the leader of the hacker group LulzSec . This suspicion was removed immediately after " Anonymous " posted on their Twitter account, claiming that they did not crash Facebook .

Mario + Portal = MariO!

We all remember the popular game Super Mario and how much we just played it. Also, I believe that everyone, or at least most, knows about the game Portal , which has gained great popularity in the world of games.

Converter of Cyrillic to Latin, and vice versa

Convert some text from Cyrillic to Latin, and vice versa, quickly and easily! How many times have you come across a long text written in Cyrillic and you want to convert it to Latin? This job would take hours manually, so you can solve this problem with the help of one site.

Gmail enhancements

The next time you open Gmail in the Chrome browser, pay attention to the question you will be asked because Google has finally used HTML5 to bridge the gap between the ways Google manipulates the mailto option: links and Google's popular email service is now better understood.