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Here's what a VPN can't protect you from (but you need to use it)

The abbreviation " VPN " has slowly become established among average Internet users, which is certainly good, but the problem is that people have started to see VPN as the ultimate solution to all problems.

5 myths about batteries in smartphones that are not true

5 myths about batteries in smartphones that are not true

The battery is one of the biggest problems with portable devices, so we do everything we can to make it last as long as possible. There are some myths circulating from user to user that are not true and were started due to the lack of information of some users.

Charging your phone overnight is harmful to your battery

Charging your phone overnight is harmful to your battery

Of course, this does not apply because today the batteries are smart enough (they have advanced Smart technology) to know, among other things, when to stop charging. You can keep the phone on the charger for 8 hours overnight but the battery will stop taking electricity. energy after e.g. 3 hours, ie. as soon as it is filled.

Details -

Do not charge the battery until it is completely discharged

Do not charge the battery until it is completely discharged

This is true for those old phones, not today when we use Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. They are quite advanced and do not have a "memory effect" like the old ones like NiCAD and NiMH. So you can put the phone on charge at any time and take it off at any time.

However, these batteries have many charges and discharge cycles, and a new cycle begins as soon as the battery is completely discharged. When the battery reaches the maximum number of charges and discharges, it slowly becomes unusable.

Experts advise that the battery should be discharged and fully charged once every 3 months to be calibrated. Those who use Android and frequently change ROMs can install the "Battery Calibration" application to manually perform calibration at any time. When the battery is calibrated, the percentage of charge is shown much more accurately on the tap.

Background applications need to be shut down to save battery power

Background applications need to be shut down to save battery power

I have already written about this and I repeat it: smartphones are smart enough and regulate processes in the best way. Applications are stored in temporary memory (RAM) so that you can run them faster later, which increases efficiency in multitasking. If you run out of free temporary memory for new applications, the system removes the minor ones that are already there. If you manually shut down certain applications and take them out of RAM, the system will need more time to run them and thus more processing power as well as electricity. battery power.

The battery drains faster if Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS are constantly on

The battery drains faster if Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS are constantly on

No, the battery is consumed only when the phone needs these sensors, it is not consumed constantly. Personally, I keep WiFi, NFC and GPS constantly on and there is no additional battery consumption. GPS is activated only when an application requests it, the same with NFC and WiFi, as well as Bluetooth.

Automatic screen illumination saves battery

Automatic screen illumination saves battery

Yes, it may save some power to power the screen, but the light sensor itself will consume battery power. The sensor constantly sends information to the processor for processing about the brightness, based on which it is decided which brightness of the screen to set. In addition, sometimes the screen is too bright or too dim than you need, so in the end, you adjust it manually. Personally, I always turn it off automatically and adjust it manually when I need it. Over time, it has proven to be a better solution.

Source: Mashable


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