The abbreviation " VPN " has slowly become established among average Internet users, which is certainly good, but the problem is that people have started to see VPN as the ultimate solution to all problems.
First of all, check the model number of your phone: Settings -> About device -> Model number. Only if it says SM-G900F can you follow this guide. Otherwise, don't even try because it won't work and Brick is possible!
You need:
- CF-Auto-Root for Galaxy S5 SM-G900F (contains all files including Odin)
- USB drivers
- unzip the files from the .zip archive to one folder
- run Odin which was in the .zip archive (which you unpacked)
- Click on the PDA button and select CF-Auto-Root-klte-kltexx-smg900f.tar and note that everything else is empty
- start the phone in Download mode by turning off the phone, holding together Volume Down, Home, and Power button
- connect the phone to USB and a yellow field will appear in Odin
- Click Start and wait for it to finish. You must not disconnect the phone during the process.
I disclaim any responsibility for this tutorial because I am not the author of the software used in this tutorial. In the meantime, it is possible to change the way of rooting or other critical activities on the device or to update the tools used here.
- Everything you do with the device you do at your own risk.
Source: XDA
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