"How to hack wifi" - is one of the common questions I get, so I decided to present here some Android applications that can help with that.
Let me immediately mention: in this text, you will not learn how to hack a WiFi password, but how to hack other users on that network. If you still want to hack your WiFi password, look for instructions HERE.
So, here is a list of some popular free apps that have options for hacking, interfering with, and monitoring other devices that are attached to the same WiFi network as you. You need ROOT for all applications.
1. dSploit
This is perhaps the most popular free application that has several functions, including Brute force attack on the router, MITM for all devices on the network, Sniff for all devices on the network, Port Scanner, Packet Forger… You can also disconnect from the network currently connected devices, upload an image that will appear to everyone instead of all images on all web pages, "speed up" a script, replace all Youtube clips with someone of your choice, and so on.
2. WiFi killer
This app simply scans all connected devices to the WiFi network and kicks them out with a DoS attack. You can select all or only certain ones.
3. Interceptor-ng
Packet Sniffer application that steals cookies from devices connected to the WiFi network. So you can turn on Sniff and wait for someone to log in to an online account. Then the application steals the login cookie and you can log in to your account without knowing that information. This is also the best Packet Sniffer app for Android devices available on the Play Store.
4. Droidsheep
Like Firesheep is a Firefox add-on, and Droidsheep is an Android app. This app also steals cookies from users who have signed in to a site, and you can use them to log in without knowing your login information.
5. FaceNiff
It works on the same principle as the previous one, except for Facebook, Youtube, Myspace, Twitter, Amazon ... and some other well-known sites.
6. zANTI
Recently, zANTI and dSpoloit have merged to create the zANTI2 application. However, I still use dSploit, and you try both, whichever suits you better.
7. Router Keygen
This application can break the WiFi password, but only if this data is not changed, but automatically generated. Many routers have an algorithm that generates the SSID and WiFi Password based on the MAC address, so this data can be cracked using this application.
Disclaimer: This article is written for educational purposes so that users can test the security of wireless WiFi networks and also protect themselves. The author of this text is not responsible for any damages and consequences resulting from the use of tools from this text.
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