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LCD monitors - technologies, panels, components, comparisons

LCD monitors - technologies, panels, components, comparisons

The content:

  1. Introduction
  2. Division of LCD screen according to backlight technology
    1. TFT
      1. Principle of operation of TFT
      2. TN
      3. IPS
      4. VA
    2. LED
      1. Edge LED and Full LED
      2. The basic principle of operation of LED LCD monitors
  3. Comparison of TN, IPS, and VA LCD monitors
  4. TFT LCD monitor components
  5. Advantages and disadvantages of LCD monitors
  6. Comparison of CRT and LCD monitors
  7. Conclusion

1. Introduction

The main output peripheral for personal computers is a monitor that has the task of displaying graphic elements and allows us to use computers more easily.

The first computers had monitors with a cathode ray tube in them, better known as CRT monitors. They were large, looked like TVs, and worked on the principle of television.

However, there are many significant differences between CRT monitors and TVs. First of all, CRT monitors have a much higher resolution, which is very important because a higher resolution means a better image and therefore less eye fatigue. Further, they differ in the way they draw pixels on the screen. The TVs draw every other line on the way down, and on the way up they draw the others. This method is called "interlacing" and causes the image to flicker. Monitors, on the other hand, do not use this method of plotting pixels but draw everything in one pass, several tens of times per second. This gives the effect known as the "refresh rate" - the higher the refresh rate, the clearer and more stable the image[23]

With the development of technology, the companies managed to make monitors that were incomparably thinner than CRT monitors, and thus lighter and more convenient to carry and set up. These newer monitors are better known as LCD monitors. A comparison of CRT and LCD monitors can be seen in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: LCD and CRT monitor [12]
Figure 1: LCD and CRT monitor [12]

CRT monitors work on the same principle as old TVs with a cathode ray tube in them. Cathode ray tube, ie. CRT (cathode-ray tube) was first discovered by German scientist Ferdinand Braun in 1897, but it was not until 1940 that it began to be used in television.

A cathode-ray tube is essentially a glass tube that expands from one end to the other until a surface is formed at the other end that is actually a TV screen. That tube was sealed on all sides and vacuumed. At the wider end on the inside is a layer of thousands of phosphor dots that emit light when they come in contact with electrons. Different colors of phosphor emit different colors of light, so we have three well-known colors: red, green, and blue. When three colors merge into one group it is called a pixel.

At the other end of the vacuum tube are three electron cannons - each for one color of phosphorus, which consists of a cathode, heat source, and focusing elements. A certain electron gun fires electrons that are directed towards phosphorus particles employing a strong, positively charged anode, located near the screen. The phosphors in one group are so close to each other that the human eye perceives their combination as a single colored pixel. And that's how the image on the screen is created. [17] The principle of cathode ray tube operation in CRT monitors is shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Principle of cathode ray tube operation in CRT monitors [18]
Figure 2: Principle of cathode ray tube operation in CRT monitors [18]

The image quality of CRT monitors is not the best compared to newer generation monitors. The resolution of some CRT monitors may reach higher numbers, but the size of the monitor itself does not. CRT monitors have a square 4: 3 aspect ratio and the size is measured in inches diagonally across the entire monitor! More precisely, when the specifications of these monitors say that the diagonal is 17 inches, it is actually the diagonal of the entire monitor, with a frame, and the screen itself is smaller. This is not the case with LCDs and other newer generations of monitors.

Another big difference between LCD and CRT monitors is power consumption. With LCD monitors, consumption is up to 4 times lower. Also, CRT monitors emit electrons in the cathode ray tube that crosses the screen up to 80cm outside, which poses a danger to the user if sitting close. LCD monitors do not have these problems because the electrons are only a few centimeters outside the screen.

2. Division of LCD screen according to backlight technology

To increase the efficiency of LCD monitors, image response, contrast, color, economy, and other important features, various variations of these monitors have been worked on. First of all on the background panel, ie. a panel in charge of determining the amount of light to be emitted. With each new technology, LCD screens became lighter, thinner, more durable, more economical, showed more realistic colors, and gave better lighting as well as contrast.

Today we divide monitors according to backlight into:

  • TFT LCD screens with CCFL lamps and
  • LED LCD screens with LEDs
Figure 3: One LCD pixel under a microscope [4]
Figure 3: One LCD pixel under a microscope [4]

2.1 TFT LCD monitors

TFT (Thin Film Transistor) technology has been adopted by many companies to improve the color quality of the screen. 3 more transistors are added to the TFT panels, each for one color - red, blue, and green, thus enabling better pixel control and increased screen response.

They use cold cathode lamps (CCFL) for backlighting, which are very thin and placed along the upper and lower edge of the monitor. To distribute the lighting evenly over the entire surface of the monitor, another layer is added, more precisely one white diffuser plate. Fluorescent lamps in these monitors are also harmful to the environment because they contain harmful substances, but they are a cheaper solution. An example of a CCFL lamp can be found in Figure 4 below.

Figure 4: CCFL lamp [11]
Figure 4: CCFL lamp [11]

2.1.1 Principle of operation of LCD monitors with TFT back panel:

All pixels on the liquid crystal display are made to be in their normal state, ie. a state when they do not receive electricity, and the passive filter incorrectly polarizes the light and thus stops it. However, when the pixels of liquid crystals gain voltage, they polarize below 90 degrees in proportion to the voltage, which allows a certain amount of light to pass. Transistors with TFT panels control the degree of rotation and, accordingly, the intensity of red, green, and blue pixels. [2]

TFT LCD monitors also have a few drawbacks, and perhaps the biggest is the occurrence of dead and lit pixels. Dead pixels are extinguished pixels that can no longer be lit, and lit pixels are turned on constantly. The most common reason for these failures is the transistors because there are many of them and they are all compacted on a silicon plate. If only one grain of dirt gets inside, the whole plate must be changed. Therefore, these screens are not suitable for higher resolutions, ie a larger number of pixels.

To eliminate the shortcomings of the TFT screen, variations have been made, so now we have TN, IPS, and VA TFT screens.

2.1.2 TN LCD monitors

TN is an abbreviation for Twisted Nematic and works on the principle of liquid crystal tubes that are arranged in the shape of an elongated spiral (Twisted Nematic) - a shape known as a helicoid. They work quite simply: when a certain voltage is applied, the tubes rotate around a longitudinal spiral axis and thus, depending on the degree of rotation, transmit light. The principle of operation of the TN panel on the LCD screen is shown in Figure 5 below.

Figure 5: Principle of operation of TN LCD screen [5]
Figure 5: Principle of operation of TN LCD screen [5]

The problem with these panels is that there is a lot of light scattering. Also, the viewing angle is quite small, so the image becomes darker or lighter, depending on the angle from which you look at the monitor. With cheaper models, this change in color and lighting can be seen even when the monitor is viewed at a right angle.

Another problem is the inability to display completely black, but only darker and lighter shades of gray. In addition to poor contrast, TN screens fail to display colors correctly, but this can be partially corrected by calibration with some software.

Today, they are used only because of their extremely low price, but also because they have a fairly fast response - suitable for gamers. [1]

2.1.3 IPS LCD monitors

IPS technology belongs to the subgroup of TFT monitors. With IPS (In-Plane Switch) panels, liquid crystal tubes rotate when the voltage changes so that they always remain upright in the direction of light (eliminates poor black reproduction and nonlinear color reproduction). [1] The principle of operation of the IPS concerning the TN LCD screen is shown in Figure 6 below.

Figure 6: Principle of operation of TN in relation to IPS LCD screen [6]
Figure 6: Principle of operation of TN in relation to IPS LCD screen [6]

IPS LCD screens are much more complex in construction and have a slower response time compared to TFT screens because they have two control voltages and therefore two control transistors. For that, it is necessary to have stronger lighting, which directly affects the electricity consumption and heating of the monitor itself. However, IPS panels have increased the viewing angle as well as color reproduction. Later, various variations of IPS panels with S-IPS, H-IPS, and E-IPS labels were created to eliminate problems with slow response and also to increase color quality. In addition, they are cheaper.

Example of IPS monitor: DELL S2218H IPS

IPS screens have become popular thanks to LG, which was the first to release them to a wider range of users. However, this technology is not new, on the contrary, IPS screens were developed in 1996 by leading Japanese electronic companies. LG has become a leader in the production of LCD screens with IPS back panels so that even today the largest companies use IPS panels that are produced in LG factories. Most of the most famous LCD screens use IPS technology, but with the advent of new technologies, IPS are slowly losing its market share.

2.1.4 VA LCD monitors

VA (Vertical Alignment) panels have vertically arranged tubes in liquid crystal and represent a compromise between TN and IPS technology. The principle of operation is somewhat simpler: the tubes of liquid crystals are placed vertically (after which these monitors got their name) and then the light does not pass. When full voltage is brought to them, they rotate parallel to the substrate and then the light passes. The principle of operation of the VA panel on the LCD screen is shown in Figure 7 below.

Figure 7: Working principle of VA LCD screen [7]
Figure 7: Working principle of VA LCD screen [7]

Comparison of VA with IPS and TN panels

  • Better color display than TN but not than IPS panel
  • Better viewing angles than TN but not than IPS panels
  • Better contrast level and black display
  • Response time from TN and IPS panels

2.2 LED LCD monitors

LEDs (LEDs) began to be produced back in 1960 and served as indicators on electronic devices. The first LED was red and was a big improvement at the time. In the seventies, thanks to new semiconductor materials, the production of LEDs in several colors began, green, orange, and yellow. Somewhat later, both blue and white. The power of these LEDs was extremely low, and therefore the power consumption was very convenient for installation in monitors. However, later various companies developed better and stronger LED diodes, and the most famous among them is the company "Luxeon". Thanks to that company, ten times stronger LED diodes appeared on the market. [9] In Figure 8 below we can see what one LED looks like.

Figure 8: LED (LED) [10]
Figure 8: LED (LED) [10]

The advantage of LEDs is that they do not break down, but because of that they lose their light over time. So, for example, if you work 12 hours a day, the lighting drops to 0 percent after 11 years.

LED backlight technology is becoming increasingly popular with LCD monitors. LED monitors use LED diodes for backlighting, which has a positive effect on brightness and contrast. The black color is pure black because the diodes turn off completely and do not emit light, and in that way, the energy savings are increased.

2.2.1 Edge LED and Full LED monitors

The original monitors that were based on LED technology had LE diodes arranged only on the edges of the screen, such monitors were called Edge LED LCD monitors. Later, LED diodes began to be installed over the entire back panel, and a diffuse filter was placed over them to equalize the light. Then we have monitors on the market better known as Full LED LCD monitors.

2.2.2 Basic principle of operation of LED LCD monitors:

Backlight emits light on a polymer (synthetic material that has an ordered molecular structure) of liquid crystals located between the polarizing and colored filter, thus displaying the colors and the image on the screen. The electric current acts on the liquid crystals and, depending on that, controls the direction and amount of light that passes through the liquid crystals, [3]   which is shown in Figure 9 below.

Figure 9. Principle of operation of LED LCD screen [3]
Figure 9. Principle of operation of LED LCD screen [3]

Each of the listed technologies for making LCD monitors has its advantages and disadvantages, its own specification, and, of course, the main change compared to the other two, which distinguishes it.

3. Comparison of TN, IPS, and VA LCD monitors

These three technologies can be compared in every field of LCD monitor production, but there is no need because the most important thing is to compare those crucial changes that led to the division. These changes are very important because they follow the development of technology and every change was a change for the better, in some respects. Of course, there is often degradation of the quality of some features to improve others, but it has always been seen that this degradation affects less important parts of the monitor's operating system or at least those parts that can be improved in other ways.

LCD monitors with a TN panel had a lot of flaws, such as the inability to display deep blacks but only lighter and darker variations of gray. Color reproduction was not at an enviable level either, but because of that, these monitors had a fairly fast image response, which was an advantage among many disadvantages. From a technical point of view, TN LCD screens work on the principle of liquid crystal tubes arranged in the shape of an elongated spiral (Twisted Nematic) and when a certain voltage is applied, the tubes rotate around a longitudinal spiral axis and thus, depending on the degree of rotation, transmit light. However, there are certain problems here, among which is the scattering of light, so a solution was sought.

The solution comes with a new technology called IPS - In-Plane Switch. Now the problem of light scattering has been solved, the display of black and the general display of colors on the screen has been improved, and the viewing angle has been greatly increased. But, as we said in the introduction, improving one part affects the whole system and we have degradation in other parts of the system. With IPS technology, there are shortcomings in the form of increased electricity consumption. Energy. Namely, IPS LCD screens are much more complex construction, they have two control voltages and thus two control transistors, which negatively affects the response time of the image. But also, for that, it is necessary to have stronger lighting, which directly affects the electricity consumption and heating of the monitor itself. These are some of the shortcomings that appear as a consequence of the improvement of other, more important, factors. It is quite important to emphasize the word "more important" because that is exactly the goal, a better image on the monitor is the primary goal in their production, and that is why other parts suffer. Subsequent versions of LCD monitors certainly solve the problems that have arisen with the previous ones while retaining or even further improving, the primary features of the monitor.

Here we come to VA LCD monitors which are actually a compromise between TN and IPS technology. Everything negative was thrown out and everything useful was left. VA LCD monitors work extremely simply: the liquid crystal tubes are placed vertically and then the light does not pass. When full voltage is brought to them, they rotate parallel to the substrate and then the light passes. So with VA LCD monitors, we have a lot of significant improvements such as better color rendering than TN but not from an IPS panel, then better viewing angle than TN but not from an IPS panel, and better black display and contrast compared to TN and IPS, and slower time responds to TN and IPS technology. From this, we can roughly estimate that VA panels have more disadvantages than advantages, but in practice, it has proven the opposite.

A pictorial comparison of VA, IPS, and TN panels in LCD monitors is presented in Figure 10 below.

Figure 10: Comparison of IPS, TN and VA panels on LCD screens [8]
Figure 10: Comparison of IPS, TN and VA panels on LCD screens [8]

Comparison of TN, IPS, and VA LCD monitor models currently available on the market

As Dell is quite a reliable today when it comes to monitors, we will take them as an example and compare their seemingly similar models of LCD monitors but each with a different type of panel. Table 1 provides a brief comparison of the three monitors that have different panel types: TN, IPS, and VA.

Table 1: Comparison of characteristics of TN, IPS, and VA LCD screens [22]

Panel type TN IPS VA
Model Dell E2016H Dell S2715H Dell SE2716H
Max. Resolution 1600 x 900 px 1920 × 1080 px 1920 × 1080 px
Lighting 250 cd / m2 250 cd / m2 300 cd / m2
Contrast 1000: 1 1000: 1 3000: 1
Point of view 160 ° / 170 ° (E / H) 178 ° / 177 ° (E / H) 178 ° / 177 ° (E / H)
Response time 5ms 6ms 6ms

From the table, we can see that VA panels have better lighting and contrast, slightly slower response, and higher viewing angle than TN, but the same as with IPS.

4. TFT LCD monitor components [1]

Most of the TFT LCD monitor consists of a glass panel. Inside the monitor is a flat cable that is in charge of making the connection between the printed circuit boards, and is made in the form of a thin flexible strip. Fluorescent lamps (CCFL) are used for backlighting, which is placed on the upper and lower edge of the monitor, but there are also variants of monitors with more lamps. To transfer data from a computer, LCD monitors have a VGA, DVI, HDMI, or DisplayPort input. Another cable is needed and that is the power cord.

Two integrated panels are installed inside the monitor housing, as follows:

  1. One board for controller circuit, DC-DC converter, and pixel column circuit
  2. And an integrated circuit for pixel rows

A few more important components inside the LCD TFT monitor case:

  • DC-DC converter

The task of a DC-DC converter is to form several separate DC voltages from the DC (Direct Current) voltage, which is + 3.3V, necessary for the operation of individual circuits on printed circuit boards.

  • Panel control chip

It receives digital and synchronization signals process them and forwards them to cars for rows and columns of pixels.

Row and pixel column circuit

This el. the circuits receive signals from the mentioned control chip and forward them to the TFT matrix, ie columns, and rows.

  • AC / DC converter

The AC / DC converter for LCD monitors comes in two variants:

  1. External
  2. Internal

The external is treated as a separate/separate device located outside the panel that provides direct current (DC) at its output which is further led to the DC-DC converter inside the monitor housing itself.

The internal one is housed in the case, as is the DC-DC converter, and the power cord connects directly from the monitor to 220 (or 110) volts. This is also the most common case with today's monitors. An example of a cable used with monitors that have an internal AC / DC converter is shown in Figure 11 below.

Figure 11. Example of a cable used for monitors that have an internal AC / DC converter [13]
Figure 11. Example of a cable used for monitors that have an internal AC / DC converter [13]
  • Microcontroller chip panel

The microcontroller chip is used to control the buttons with which the user adjusts the operation of the TFT screen. In particular, this chip controls the fluorescent tube inverter (CCFL) by producing a new voltage of 600-800 V, frequency 40-100 kHz, required for the excitation and operation of the fluorescent tube, using the voltage received from the AC / DC converter.

  • OSD

OSD stands for “on-screen display” and has become an integral part of devices such as TVs, DVD players, and VCRs even at the time when the display of current values ​​from the potentiometer, and other components for regulating various display options in the screens, was moved from small separate screens in the screen of the device, hence the name of this option - on-screen display.

The OSD uses a separate graphics chip to display information such as brightness, contrast, and volume … generally the entire menu is built into the monitor itself, and in which we adjust all the parameters related to it.

The OSD is separate from the main image broadcast on the monitor, which allows you to control the monitor independently of the graphics card located in the computer. [19]

  • Panel scaler

The panel scaler is functionally the most complicated part of the monitor. Controls the operation of circuits that process video signals via A / D converters and scalers.

The scaler panel specifically has the task to:

  1. The process video signal (adjust contrast, brightness, sharpness, color saturation...)
  2. Scales the image if necessary (if the resolution of the video signal from the graphics card is equal to the resolution of the TFT monitor, there is no need to scale. In any other case, the scaler adjusts the resolution of the monitor so that the image passes properly).

With the help of the scaler panel, we can manually and automatically calibrate the image according to our needs. If we want the image to calibrate itself in the best possible way, we will use automatic calibration. The monitor then calibrates the image on the screen in the way that is best for the current display.

If we want to calibrate the image precisely and accurately according to our needs, regardless of what is currently displayed on the screen, ie. from what the monitor receives as a signal from the graphics card, we can report this using manual controls implemented in the monitor itself.

  • Connectors

To bring the video signal from the graphics card to the monitor, there are several solutions in the form of connectors and cables that have been perfected over time along with the perfections of monitors and graphics in computers.

In the beginning, we had MDA (Monochrome Display Adapter) adapters that were capable of transmitting 80 columns and 25 lines of text in one color. They were followed by CGA (Color Display Adapter) adapters that were capable of displaying 80 columns and 25 lines of text in 16 colors. Et cetera. However, the VGA (Video Graphics Array) standard soon came into use and remained for some time. VGA was initially able to display a maximum resolution of 640 x 480 pixels, so work was being done to improve this standard. Later, the D-sub 15 version of the VGA standard came into use, which has remained to this day. Figure 12 shows the VGA connector (male).

Figure 12. Male VGA connector [14]
Figure 12. Male VGA connector [14]

The digital version of the VGA connector is called DVI (Digital Video Interface) and is used by a large number of monitors as well as graphics cards. However, with the advent of larger home entertainment centers, there was a need for better image and sound transmission at the same time. Then came the HDMI connectors that are capable of transmitting pictures and sound in excellent quality. So today we have monitors with HDMI input and graphics cards with HDMI output. Figure 13 shows the HDMI cable.

Figure 13. Male HDMI connector [14]
Figure 13. Male HDMI connector [14]

5. Advantages and disadvantages of LCD monitors

LCD monitors have found their application in a large number of users due to the excellent price-quality ratio. There is a wide range of these monitors in all price ranges, so the choice is really great and the user can choose the one that suits him best.

However, LCD monitors have their disadvantages as well as advantages and depending on what the monitor will be used for, the user decides or does not decide to buy.

5.1 Advantages

These monitors have a lot of advantages over older models, which is why they are still in use and are still being improved.

  • Excellent color reproduction

Unlike previous generations of monitors, e.g. plasma monitors, LCD technology is much better in terms of color quality. The colors themselves are much more realistic and vivid, and with additional calibrations, you can get an even better display of colors.

  • Image quality

Thanks to the latest LED technology, LCD monitors can display really high-quality images because LEDs emit much more natural light and color.

  • Energetic efficiency

LCD monitors use up to 30 percent less electricity than previous-generation monitors. Many LCD monitors also have an additional power-saving mode to save even more power. Energy.

  • No Burn-In problem

Unlike Plasma and CRT monitors, LCD monitors do not have a Burn-In problem. Specifically, after some time of use, the monitor does not have stains of previous images, and an example of such a problem can be seen in Figure 14. This stain remains on the screen for a long time and is a big problem for users and the monitor itself.

Figure 14. Example of a Burn-In problem on a plasma monitor [15]
Figure 14. Example of a Burn-In problem on a plasma monitor [15]
  • Construction

Fewer electronics are needed to make LCD monitors than some previous models. As a result, LCD monitors heat up less and are lighter.

5.2 Disadvantages

In addition to all the good sides, LCD monitors also have their drawbacks. Some of the shortcomings can significantly affect the buyer's decision to buy a monitor of this type.

  • The price

LCD monitors are a bit more expensive than e.g. Plasma monitors of the same size. However, the price of LCD monitors is slowly falling as newer monitors are slowly coming to market.

  • Point of view

The viewing angle of LCD monitors is perhaps the biggest problem. 178 degrees vertically and horizontally is today's standard, but still less than other types of monitors. Adjusting the monitor on its tripod is certainly possible, so you can easily adjust the appropriate viewing angle. In Figure 15 we can see an example of the loss of image quality in LCD screens when viewed from different angles.

Figure 15. Multi-angle LCD screen [16]
Figure 15. Multi-angle LCD screen [16]
  • Black color

Another major drawback of LCD monitors is the display of black because black is not really black. LCD monitors display very dark gray instead of completely black, which is sometimes noticed if the screen brightness is increased. However, LED LCD monitors do not have this problem, but these monitors are rarer and a little more expensive.

  • Dead and inflamed pixels

LCD screens are among the users, among other things, known for the frequent occurrence of dead or lit pixels. These are pixels that go out forever or stay on forever. One pixel is not much compared to the whole monitor, but in some situations, it can be quite annoying and distracting to the user.

6. Comparison of CRT and LCD monitors

When we talk about comparing CRT and LCD monitors, we must first take into account that these are two completely different technologies for displaying graphic elements on the screen. However, with both technologies, the goal was to present a clearer and sharper image with a wide range of colors and a large viewing angle.

CRT monitors are bulkier, and therefore heavier to renovate, taking up more space. They also have less room for improvement in terms of improving image quality. LCD monitors have a lot of potentials, only if we take backlight as an example, so we can list several types. It is a great choice, the user has a great choice when shopping, in a wide price range. CRT monitors could no longer be improved because the technology is outdated, switching to microelectronics of such proportions that it is impossible to reduce the transistors anymore. After all, the electrons would simply "skip" the switch and thus they would lose their meaning.

An important item to consider is the impact on the user's eyes. One part of the users, mostly fans of CRT monitors, say that eye fatigue with CRT monitors is less than with LCD monitors. On the other hand, users of LCD monitors, but also scientists, say that the situation is completely reversed - LCD monitors are less tiring for the eyes and damage vision. Here we come again to the item of improving the monitor, which was discussed a while ago. New technologies allow us to create monitors that do less damage to the eyes. For example, " Flicker-free " technology, which is built into some Asus, BenQ, SonicView, and other monitors, has the task of protecting the eyes by completely eliminating flicker on the screen.

Example of a Flicker-free monitor: ASUS VX229H

Figure 16. Flicker Free technology [21]
Figure 16. Flicker Free technology [21]

Then, the technology of reducing blue color that harms the human eye. Some of the monitors of well-known brands have this technology built into their new monitors and are available to users for an affordable price. There is still a lot of room for improvement of LCD monitors and that is one more reason why it will be on top after using it for another long period.

6.1 Disadvantages of CRT monitors:

  • Higher power consumption
  • Not so perfect image geometry
  • Increased radiation
  • Refresh the screen
  • Dimensions of the monitor itself

CRT screens had a refresh rate of about 120 hertz, and one hertz represents one image that the monitor draws per second. LCD monitors refresh the image only when necessary, unlike CRT monitors, and when it is necessary to refresh the speed ranges from about two milliseconds, or 500 images per second.

However, the main feature of LCD monitors is the technology behind them, which is "liquid crystal". What distinguishes liquid crystals is the possibility of changing the orientation of molecules. Thus, the charge of matter itself changes its structure and thus the way light passes through it.

It is important to note that, despite the name, LCD screens are not in liquid, nor in a solid, aggregate state, but they kept the word "liquid" in the name because they are closer to liquid than solid. This technology was founded in 1888, the first LCD display was made in 1968, and the first complete LCD monitor was produced in 1979.

Liquid crystals have the following four properties that allow LCD monitors to work:

  1. polarization of light
  2. the ability of a liquid crystal to transmit and change polarized light
  3. the structure of the liquid crystal changes under the influence of electric current
  4. transparency of a substance that conducts electricity [1]

LCD is an abbreviation of "Liquid Crystal Display" which means "Liquid Crystal Display", and is divided according to the technology of making the back panel.

A general example of LCD monitor operation is shown in the figure below, where we can see the first layer as a light source (there are several types of light sources about which more will be said in this text), the second layer as a "liquid crystal", the fourth as a polarizer and finally the last layer of RGB mask containing 3 colors through which light passes: red, green and blue.

Figure 7: Basic principle of operation of LCD monitors [20]
Figure 7: Basic principle of operation of LCD monitors [20]

7. Conclusion

LCD monitors are in great use today and are dominant in the market. The wide range of sizes, quality, and price of these monitors is what gives the user a great choice when buying. LCD monitors are easily portable because their construction is not heavy, and yet they are quite thin so they can be easily placed anywhere in the workspace. They use standard inputs so they can be connected to a large number of devices, which is another big plus.

However, due to the large selection that users have when buying an LCD monitor, there is confusion because the user does not know exactly what information about a particular monitor means. Which monitor is better for games, which for movies, for photographers, for everyday work, etc. Then the seller can help, which is usually not the best solution, so it is safer to ask on the Internet or with a friend who knows that.

Dead and lit pixels are one of the major problems that deter users from buying LCD monitors, but you should know that the chance of this type of malfunction is equal to the chance of anything else breaking in any monitor.

In all other aspects, LCD monitors are a solid solution for everyone, precisely because several manufacturing technologies have their disadvantages and advantages over each other, so the user can choose what suits him.

However, if there is a need for a monitor with stronger colors, stronger black, a wider viewing angle, and faster response, LCD monitors may not meet expectations. OLED monitors are currently the best solution in every respect and for every user regardless of the purpose, but they are very expensive and currently not cost-effective.

The advantage of OLED screens, among other things, is that they can be made to be flexible, so they are suitable for wearable smart devices, but monitors can also be made whose construction can be adjusted to the working part on which it is located. This technology is still under development and will not be available to a wider range of users for some time to come, but their path to the monitor market is guaranteed.

In addition to all that, LCD monitors are still being improved today and will certainly have their place in the monitor market for many years to come, while in the meantime, the mentioned newer technologies will be worked on in parallel.

9. Literature

[23] "Computer Graphics" Dragan Ćetković, Belgrade 2006.

Note: this text was originally written for the Technical Faculty, from one of the authors Do You Know Tech blog. It is forbidden to copy the text in whole or in part without prior consultation with the author. The content of the cited source is not the work of the author and he is not responsible for it.


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The average user usually only knows what the CPU speed is, how much RAM it has, what the label is on the graphics card, and how much the HDD is… But he doesn't know some perhaps more important details. Speccy is a program that will reveal these details and you will have a complete insight into all the components that are inside your machine.

Look at historical objects in three dimensions

Google has launched a new Cultural Institute service where you can view some 3-dimensional historical objects on your computer in your favorite web browser. The items are detailed and you can enlarge them to see even the smallest parts. Of course, they are not perfect, there are some irregularities somewhere, but they were not noticed.