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Here's what a VPN can't protect you from (but you need to use it)

The abbreviation " VPN " has slowly become established among average Internet users, which is certainly good, but the problem is that people have started to see VPN as the ultimate solution to all problems.

Dumpster - trash can for Android devices

Dumpster - trash can for Android devices

"Recycle bin" is well known to all Windows users, and sometimes real salvation if we delete the file accidentally so we can restore it in a few clicks. However, Android crossovers are deprived of these possibilities, so once we delete a file, there is no return (ie there is through the Recovery tool, but success is not 100% guaranteed, and often complicated for some users).

That's why someone came up with and made a Recycle bin for Android called "Dumpster". Very simple application with few options that are more than enough.

A dumpster saves files that you have deleted from your phone for a certain time or until a certain amount of memory is full. If you accidentally delete some files, or intentionally change your mind after a while, you can restore them with this application.

The basket is empty, as I wrote, after a set period or memory so that it will not take up more space in the phone than you allow.

This application can sometimes be a real lifesaver and does not take up much memory (by itself) and phone resources. It runs in the background and you won't even notice it.

It's free and you can download it from the Play Store -


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