Google Maps has a bunch of options and contains a lot of information, but one detail bothered me - the scale. Namely, if you removed the map view so that the whole world could be seen, countries and continents would not be in proportion. The most popular example is Greenland the size of Africa. Google has solved this problem by creating a 3D globe.
With 3D Globe Mode on Google Maps desktop, Greenland's projection is no longer the size of Africa.
— Google Maps (@googlemaps) August 2, 2018
Just zoom all the way out at 😎🌍
How to try 3D Globe Mode?
It's simple: just open and zoom out with the mouse wheel as far as it will go. When you get far enough away for the whole world to appear on the screen, you will see a globe. Now you can rotate that globe by holding down the left click and moving the cursor, just like with Google Earth.
A simple solution that solved one irritating problem, and it looks better. By the way, this is not yet available on mobile devices, so you don't even have to try. It will definitely be available in a few days or weeks, so just wait.
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