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Showing posts from January, 2017

Here's what a VPN can't protect you from (but you need to use it)

The abbreviation " VPN " has slowly become established among average Internet users, which is certainly good, but the problem is that people have started to see VPN as the ultimate solution to all problems.

How to check how you can upgrade your laptop?

If you were wondering if you could install more RAM, SSD, another HDD, or maybe a graphics one on your laptop, and you don't know how to check it, you can look for help on one site. You will first need the correct label for your laptop, such as the Toshiba Satellite C55-A-1H1. You can find this tag mostly under the laptop.

VLC web plugin - instructions

Often an online stream or video requires a VLC web plugin, but sometimes it is not so easy to activate it. This article provides instructions on how to download, install, and activate the add-on. First of all, Chrome no longer supports the VLC plugin, ie. all NPAPI plugins, so you have to use another web browser, and Firefox is the best solution.

Top 8: How to hack FB profile (2017)

Although Facebook is quite well protected, it is still possible to hack someone's account. More precisely, there are many ways to do it. " How to hack a FB account " is a common question, some would like to hack others, and some to protect themselves from hacking. No matter how well I was protected by FB, most of the methods used today use man as a weak link.