iPod - Apple has quite limited its potential by locking its firmware. The only way you can unlock your iPod, to use its full potential and successfully install and use various applications is to make a so-called Jailbreak.
This is a 100% safe way without the risk of damaging your iPod.
Step 1
First, check the firmware version of your iPod. It must be .3 or .4 which are the last two versions. You can check the firmware version of your iPod when you connect it to iTunes. If you don't have the latest version, upgrade first.
Step 2
Open the download.ziphone.org page and download the windows or mac version of the jailbreak software. It's a total of 18 megabytes in size. After downloading, open the installer and unzip the files to a folder on your computer.
Step 3
Open the folder where you unzipped the program and unzip the Ziphone file. After that, open the ZipHoneGUI.exe file
Step 4
Make sure your iPod is connected to your computer via a USB port. In the program, we opened in the previous step, press the Jailbreak button, which is located on the left side of the interface.
Step 5
Leave the iPod connected until the Ziphone program is finished.
Step 6
This is all. Disconnect from your computer and enjoy the new freedom of your iPod.
Source: kakonapraviti.net
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